
The public is invited to bring forward their concerns regarding paramedics registered with the College practising in PEI.

Complaints may come forward from clients, client's family members, or members of the public who believe there has been a breach of ethics or inappropriate care of any kind.

Complaints may also come forward from employers or colleagues of paramedics who may be obligated to report their concerns to the College in certain specific circumstances.

The College Registrar may also initiate the complaint process.

The College is required under the Regulated Health Professions Act to investigate all complaints about a registrant's practice submitted to the College.

Complaint Process

Complaints must be made in writing and signed by the complainant. Formal complaints cannot be anonymous. The complaint should include the following information:

  • The name and contact information of the person making the complaint;
  • The name and contact information of the client if different from the above;
  • The name of the paramedic involved;
  • A detailed description of the concerns, including relevant dates;
  • Any relevant supporting documentation; and
  • Details of any discussion with the paramedic about the concern.

The Registrar may dismiss the complaint or, if the complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved, forward the complaint to the investigation committee. The investigation committee, composed of three persons, must include at least one member of the College, and at least one of either a public representative or a member of the public who has not practised any health profession.

Within 60 days after receiving a complaint, the investigation committee will consider the complaint and any response, and:

  1. Dismiss the complaint if it has no merit,
  2. Refer the complaint to a mediator for mediation if appropriate, not contrary to the public interest, and the involved parties agree to participate in the process,
  3. Make any order that the hearing committee is authorized to make if the respondent consents, or
  4. Investigate the complaint or refer the complaint to an investigator for investigation.

To file a complaint, please use the complaint form.