About the College
The College of Paramedicine of Prince Edward Island (CPPEI, the College) is a nonprofit organization with the legislated mandate to regulate the practice of paramedicine for the province of PEI, in the public interest.
The College became self-regulated on April 1, 2024, under the PEI Regulated Health Professions Act and Paramedics Regulations and assumed responsibility for regulating the practice of paramedicine from the Emergency Medical Services Board of Prince Edward Island.
The College must follow the PEI Regulated Health Professions Act, Paramedics Regulations and College bylaws.
The mandate of the College is to:
- Serve and protect the public interest in all its proceedings and operations;
- Regulate the practice of paramedicine in the province;
- Set educational and entry-to-practice professional standards;
- Set continuing education standards;
- Enforce ethical conduct, standards of practice, and continuing education; and
- Investigate complaints against paramedics in PEI.
College Council
The College Council governs, controls, and administers the affairs of the College according to the Regulated Health Professions Act and Paramedics Regulations. The Council deals with College business through the appointed Registrar.
The CPPEI Council is made up of nine (9) individuals. The composition of the Council is defined in the Act and CPPEI Bylaws — it includes six (6) registered paramedics, and three (3) public representatives. The role of the Council is further detailed in the Bylaws. More information
Current Council members
Professional representatives:
- Brian Thomson
- Darby McCormick
- Jamie Thompson
- Margaret Lister
- Rose Kouwenberg
- Steven George
Public representatives:
- Doug Bryson
- Kate Profit